Commercial Management

A flagship solution in our MRI @ Work suite, Commercial Management allows you to monitor all aspects of commercial property management, from building and lease management to billing and accounts receivable. Select a course to learn more.

PMX: Commercial Management eLearning Suite
This series of self-paced eLearning courses will provide participants with a base-level understanding of the features of the Commercial Management application in Property Management X.
7 Courses
Leasing Agent eLearning CM Maintenance Controller Reporting and Analytics Commercial
PMX: CM - Setup and Maintenance eLearning
This self-paced course covers the most vital Setup and Maintenance features for Commercial Management in Property Management X.
eLearning Administrator Property Management X
PMX CM: Retail Setup - eLearning
This self-paced eLearning course is designed to introduce students to the retail setup for buildings and leases in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
eLearning CM Administrator Commercial Management Commercial Setup Database Retail
PMX: CM - Property Maintenance eLearning
This self-paced eLearning course is designed to familiarize participants with the functions and tasks associated with building maintenance in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning CM Administrator Maintenance Commercial Management Commercial Building Lease Setup
PMX: CM - Leases eLearning
This self-paced eLearning course is designed to familiarize participants with leasing activities in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning CM Administrator Commercial Management Commercial Leasing FASB Renewals Lease
PMX: CM - Batches eLearning
This self-paced eLearning course is designed to familiarize participants with the functions and tasks associated with managing web batches in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning CM Accountant Controller Commercial Management Commercial Batch Charges Rent Payment Income
PMX: CM - Other Accounts Receivable eLearning
This self-paced eLearning course is designed to familiarize participants with the functions and tasks associated with Accounts Receivable in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning CM Accountant Regional Manager Controller Commercial Management Commercial Batch Charges Rent Payment Income FASB
PMX: CM - Monthly Activities eLearning
This self-paced eLearning course is designed to familiarize participants with the functions and tasks associated with monthly activities in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning CM Accountant Controller Commercial Management Commercial Reports Billing Close
PMX: CM - Introduction to Recoveries eLearning
This self-paced eLearning course will introduce students to the recovery concepts and processes in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager eLearning Administrator Property Management X
PMX CM: Office Recoveries Setup - eLearning
This self-paced eLearning course will introduce students to the office recoveries setup processes in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager eLearning Administrator Property Management X
PMX CM: Retail Recoveries Setup - eLearning
This self-paced eLearning course will introduce students to the retail recoveries setup processes in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager eLearning Administrator Property Management X
PMX CM: Corporate Accounts Receivable Introduction - eLearning
This self-paced course is designed to cover the processes of managing accounts, entering transactions, and completing monthly processing in Corporate Accounts Receivable in Property Management X.
eLearning CM Accountant Administrator Controller Commercial Management Commercial Charges Payment Batche Corp AR
PMX: CM - Lease Administration Live Training
This course is designed to introduce students to the lease administration features in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager Leasing Agent Live Training CM Administrator Controller Commercial Management Commercial Leasing FASB Renewals Lease
PMX: CM - Recoveries Setup and Validation Live Training
This course is designed to introduce students to recovery setup and validation in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager Leasing Agent Live Training CM Accountant Administrator Controller Commercial Management Commercial Setup
PMX: CM - Recoveries Processing and Reporting Live Training
This course is designed to introduce students to processing and reporting on recoveries in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager Leasing Agent Live Training CM Accountant Administrator Controller Commercial Management Commercial Reports Billing
PMX: CM - Retail Live Training
This course is designed to introduce students to the retail features in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager Leasing Agent Live Training CM Accountant Administrator Controller Commercial Management Commercial Reports Setup
PMX: CM - Retail Recoveries Setup and Validation Live Training
This course is designed to introduce students to retail recovery setup in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager Leasing Agent Live Training CM Accountant Administrator Controller Commercial Management Commercial Reports Setup
PMX: CM - Retail Recoveries Processing and Reporting Live Training
This course is designed to introduce students to processing and reporting on retail recoveries in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager Leasing Agent Live Training CM Accountant Administrator Controller Commercial Management Commercial Reports Setup
PMX CM: X.5.10 Release Training - Video
This video will introduce you to the exciting new features released for Commercial Management in version X.5.10 of Property Management X.
PMX CM: X.5.9 Release Training - Video
This video will introduce you to the exciting new features released for Commercial Management in version X.5.9 of Property Management X.
Pre-Recorded Courses Commercial Management Property Management X Pre-Recorded Videos
PMX: MCI & CM Connection Overview
This course will introduce you to the connection between MRI Contract Intelligence (MCI) and PMX Commercial Management (CM).
Commercial Management Commercial Pre-Recorded Video Contract Intelligence
PMX Commercial Management & RentPayment Connection
In this eLearning course, you'll explore the inter-connectivity between PMX Commercial Management and MRI RentPayment.
Commercial Management Property Management X RentPayment
PMX: CM - Leases eLearning
This self-paced eLearning course is designed to familiarize participants with leasing activities in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning CM Administrator Commercial Management Commercial Leasing FASB Renewals Lease
PMX: CM - Batches eLearning
This self-paced eLearning course is designed to familiarize participants with the functions and tasks associated with managing web batches in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning CM Accountant Controller Commercial Management Commercial Batch Charges Rent Payment Income
PMX CM: Retail Setup - eLearning
This self-paced eLearning course is designed to introduce students to the retail setup for buildings and leases in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
eLearning CM Administrator Commercial Management Commercial Setup Database Retail
PMX: CM - Other Accounts Receivable eLearning
This self-paced eLearning course is designed to familiarize participants with the functions and tasks associated with Accounts Receivable in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning CM Accountant Regional Manager Controller Commercial Management Commercial Batch Charges Rent Payment Income FASB
PMX: CM - Monthly Activities eLearning
This self-paced eLearning course is designed to familiarize participants with the functions and tasks associated with monthly activities in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning CM Accountant Controller Commercial Management Commercial Reports Billing Close
PMX: CM - Setup and Maintenance eLearning
This self-paced course covers the most vital Setup and Maintenance features for Commercial Management in Property Management X.
eLearning Administrator Property Management X
PMX: CM - Property Maintenance eLearning
This self-paced eLearning course is designed to familiarize participants with the functions and tasks associated with building maintenance in Commercial Management in Property Management X.
Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning CM Administrator Maintenance Commercial Management Commercial Building Lease Setup