Accounts Payable

Using Accounts Payable, you can enter and pay invoices and purchase orders for the goods and services provided by your preferred vendors. Select a course to learn more.

PMX: Accounts Payable eLearning Suite
This series of self-paced eLearning courses will provide participants with a base-level understanding of the features of the Accounts Payable application in Property Management X.
7 Courses
eLearning Financials FIN AP Controller Reporting and Analytics
PMX: AP - Setup eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the Accounts Payable setup in Property Management X.
eLearning AP Accountant Administrator Controller Accounts Payable
PMX AP: Vendors - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the vendor details you can maintain in Accounts Payable in Property Management X.
eLearning Financials AP Accountant Administrator Property Management X Accounts Payable Invoice Vendor Payments
PMX AP: Invoices - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the invoice entry and search features in Accounts Payable in Property Management X.
eLearning Financials AP Accountant Controller Property Management X Accounts Payable Invoice Vendor Payments
PMX AP: Payment Processing - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the various invoice payment processes in Accounts Payable in Property Management X.
eLearning Financials AP Accountant Administrator Controller Invoice Vendor Payments Checks
PMX: AP - Bank Reconciliation eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the bank reconciliation features in Accounts Payable in Property Management X.
eLearning Financials AP Accountant Controller Property Management X Invoice Vendor Journal Entry
PMX AP: Monthly Closing Procedures - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the monthly closing procedures in Accounts Payable in Property Management X.
eLearning Financials AP Accountant Administrator Controller Invoice Journal Entry Reports
PMX AP: 1099 Processing - eLearning
This self-paced course is designed to cover the processes of generating 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC forms in Accounts Payable in Property Management X.
eLearning Financials AP Accountant Administrator Controller MRI Accounts Payable MRI Financials Free Property Management X Accounts Payable Invoice Vendor Tax PMX for Web
PMX: AP - Bank Reconciliation Overview Live Training
This course is designed to introduce the bank reconciliation feature in Accounts Payable in Property Management X.
Live Training Accountant Administrator Controller Accounts Payable
PMX: AP - Bank Reconciliation Advanced Concepts and Setup Live Training
This course covers the more advanced concepts and setup features around bank reconciliations in Accounts Payable in Property Management X.
Live Training Accountant Administrator Controller Accounts Payable
PMX AP: 1099 Setup and Processing (PMX Windows) - Video
This video covers the 1099 setup and processing features in Accounts Payable (AP) in Property Management X for Windows.
Pre-Recorded Courses Accountant Administrator Controller Pre-Recorded Videos PMX for Windows
PMX Financials: X.5.9 Release Training - Video
This video will introduce you to the exciting new features released for MRI Financials in version X.5.9 of Property Management X.
Pre-Recorded Courses Financials Property Management X Pre-Recorded Videos
PMX AP: 1099 Processing Overview - Guide
In this overview guide, you will find information on 1099 setup and processing in the web platform of Property Management X.
Accountant Administrator Controller PMX for Web Guide
PMX: AP - Invoices
Property Management X
PMX: AP – Check Processing
Financials Property Management X Accounts Payable
PMX AP: Payment Processing - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the various invoice payment processes in Accounts Payable in Property Management X.
eLearning Financials AP Accountant Administrator Controller Invoice Vendor Payments Checks
PMX AP: 1099 Processing - eLearning
This self-paced course is designed to cover the processes of generating 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC forms in Accounts Payable in Property Management X.
eLearning Financials AP Accountant Administrator Controller MRI Accounts Payable MRI Financials Free Property Management X Accounts Payable Invoice Vendor Tax PMX for Web
PMX AP: Monthly Closing Procedures - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the monthly closing procedures in Accounts Payable in Property Management X.
eLearning Financials AP Accountant Administrator Controller Invoice Journal Entry Reports
PMX: AP - Setup eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the Accounts Payable setup in Property Management X.
eLearning AP Accountant Administrator Controller Accounts Payable
PMX AP: Vendors - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the vendor details you can maintain in Accounts Payable in Property Management X.
eLearning Financials AP Accountant Administrator Property Management X Accounts Payable Invoice Vendor Payments
PMX AP: Invoices - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the invoice entry and search features in Accounts Payable in Property Management X.
eLearning Financials AP Accountant Controller Property Management X Accounts Payable Invoice Vendor Payments
PMX: AP - Bank Reconciliation eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the bank reconciliation features in Accounts Payable in Property Management X.
eLearning Financials AP Accountant Controller Property Management X Invoice Vendor Journal Entry