PMX: Residential Management eLearning Suite

This series of self-paced eLearning courses will provide participants with a base-level understanding of the features of the Residential Management application in Property Management X.

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This suite includes all of the courses listed. You can register for individual courses, or you can register for the entire suite.

MRI Software recommends completing the courses in the order in which they appear. eLearning suites are available for 60 days after purchase.

Click Purchase above to purchase the full Suite via credit card, debit card, or PayPal, or click here to request to be billed via invoice. The list price is per user.

PMX: RM - Required Property Setup eLearning
This self-paced course covers the multifamily property, building, and unit setup features in Property Management X.
eLearning Administrator Property Management X
PMX RM: Quick Rent Roll - eLearning
This self-paced course covers the quick rent roll feature from Residential Management property setup in Property Management X.
Property Manager eLearning Administrator
PMX RM: Billing and Leasing Options Setup - eLearning
This self-paced course covers the Residential Management billing options, leasing options, lease renewal settings, and automatic billing fees in Property Management X.
eLearning Administrator Property Management X
PMX RM: Charge Code and Security Code Setup - eLearning
This self-paced course covers Residential Management charge code setup and security code setup in Property Management X.
eLearning Administrator Property Management X
PMX RM: Late Fee, Amenity, and Other Setup - eLearning
This self-paced course covers late fee formula setup, amenity setup, global guest card setup, market and manager setup, and leasing agent and marketing source setup in Residential Management in Property Management X.
eLearning Administrator Property Management X
PMX RM: Role Pages - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the role pages in Residential Management in Property Management X.
Residential Management Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning RM Accountant Maintenance Controller Residential Reports Dashboards
PMX RM: Prospect to Resident - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the leasing process for prospective residents in Residential Management in Property Management X.
Residential Management Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning RM MRI Residential Management Residential Move-In Leasing Prospects
PMX RM: Working with Residents - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the different activities for managing resident and lease information in Residential Management in Property Management X.
Residential Management Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning RM MRI Residential Management Residential Leases Residents Paid
PMX RM: Accounts Receivable Daily Processes - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the most commonly used accounts receivable features in Residential Management in Property Management X.
Residential Management Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning RM Accountant Controller MRI Residential Management Residential Payments Charges Rent Credits
PMX RM: Other Accounts Receivable - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the additional accounts receivable features in Residential Management in Property Management X.
Residential Management Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning RM Accountant Controller MRI Residential Management Residential Payments Charges Rent Credits
PMX RM: Property Operations - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to service requests, the make unit ready process, and amenity reservations in Residential Management in Property Management X.
Residential Management Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning RM Maintenance Controller Residential Work Order
PMX RM: Legal Setup and Processing - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the legal setup and processing features in Residential Management and Affordable Housing in Property Management X.
Property Manager eLearning Compliance Administrator Property Management X
PMX RM: Renewing Leases - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the lease renewal processes in Residential Management in Property Management X.
Residential Management Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning RM Accountant MRI Residential Management Residential Rent Renewals Leases
PMX RM: Month-End Processing - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the month-end processes in Residential Management in Property Management X.
Residential Management Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning RM Accountant Controller Residential Journal Entry Reports Billing Periods
PMX RM: Move-Outs and Transfers - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the move-out and unit transfer processes in Residential Management in Property Management X.
Residential Management Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning RM Controller MRI Residential Management Residential Leasing Transfers Move-Outs
PMX RM: Statement of Deposit (SODA) - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the processes involved in completing Statements of Deposit (SODA) in Residential Management in Property Management X.
Residential Management Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning RM Accountant MRI Residential Management Residential Billing Move-Out Paid
PMX RM: Accounts Payable Processes - eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the Accounts Payable features that can be accessed in Residential Management in Property Management X.
Residential Management Property Manager Leasing Agent eLearning RM Accountant Controller Residential Invoice Vendor