PMX: Job Cost

With Job Cost, you can track your teams’ progress and expenses on property and building projects both big and small. Select a course to learn more.

PMX: Job Cost eLearning Suite
This series of self-paced eLearning courses will provide participants with an understanding of the features in the Job Cost application in Property Management X.
5 Courses
eLearning Accountant Administrator Controller
PMX Job Cost: Essential Setup - eLearning
This self-paced course covers the setup of budget types, cost lists, cost codes, phase types, and lenders in Job Cost in Property Management X.
eLearning Financials Accountant Administrator Controller Job Cost Setup
PMX Job Cost: Managing Jobs - eLearning
This self-paced course covers the job and project features in Job Cost.
eLearning Accountant Administrator Controller
PMX Job Cost: Loans - eLearning
This self-paced course covers the loans and draws features from Job Cost in Property Management X.
eLearning Accountant Administrator Controller
PMX Job Cost: Contract Processing - eLearning
This self-paced course covers the contract, draws, and retainage features in Job Cost.
eLearning Accountant Administrator Controller
PMX Job Cost: Invoice, Purchase Order, and Journal Processing - eLearning
This self-paced course covers the invoice, purchase order, and journal entry features in Job Cost in Property Management X.
Property Manager eLearning Accountant Controller Job Cost Invoice Journal Entry Purchase Order
PMX Job Cost: Introduction to Job Cost - Live Training
This course is designed to familiarize participants with the basic features and functions of Job Cost in Property Management X.
Live Training Financials FIN Accountant Controller Job Cost Reports Contracts Draws Projects
PMX Job Cost: Advanced - Live Training
This course is designed to familiarize participants with the more advanced features and functions of Job Cost in Property Management X.
Live Training Financials FIN Accountant Controller Job Cost Setup Loans Batches
PMX Job Cost: Essential Setup - eLearning
This self-paced course covers the setup of budget types, cost lists, cost codes, phase types, and lenders in Job Cost in Property Management X.
eLearning Financials Accountant Administrator Controller Job Cost Setup
PMX Job Cost: Loans - eLearning
This self-paced course covers the loans and draws features from Job Cost in Property Management X.
eLearning Accountant Administrator Controller
PMX Job Cost: Contract Processing - eLearning
This self-paced course covers the contract, draws, and retainage features in Job Cost.
eLearning Accountant Administrator Controller
PMX Job Cost: Managing Jobs - eLearning
This self-paced course covers the job and project features in Job Cost.
eLearning Accountant Administrator Controller
PMX Job Cost: Invoice, Purchase Order, and Journal Processing - eLearning
This self-paced course covers the invoice, purchase order, and journal entry features in Job Cost in Property Management X.
Property Manager eLearning Accountant Controller Job Cost Invoice Journal Entry Purchase Order