Surveys Setup 10 min
Campaigns Setup & Usage 10 min
Viewing Survey Responses 5 min

MRI Angus - Surveys eLearning
This course will teach property management employees how to create surveys, use campaigns to set up survey distribution, deliver surveys to tenant contacts, access survey escalations, and view tenant contact responses and aggregated data.
The Surveys course is intended for employees that have access to MRI Angus, and will be expected to do any of the following:
- Create and automate distribution of surveys to Tenant Contacts
- Review individual and aggregated survey results
- Respond to surveys escalations
This course is broken into several learning modules. These modules can be accessed in any order, although the suggested path is as follows:
- Surveys Setup
- Campaign Setup & Usage
- Viewing Survey Responses
Note: we recommend you eliminate distractions while completing these modules. If possible, close all applications, including your email, put your phone on silent, and avoid multi-tasking.