Dispatching Work Orders & PM Subscriptions 10 min
Completing Work Orders via MRI Angus 20 min
Preventive Maintenance via MRI Angus Mobile 15 min
On Demand Work Orders 5 min
Impairments Usage (optional) 5 min

MRI Angus - Preventive Maintenance Usage eLearning
This course will teach property management employees how to subscribe to notifications, to assign, dispatch, and complete scheduled work orders through MRI Angus web and mobile, to create on demand work orders while performing scheduled maintenance, and to work with the optional impairments function.
The Preventive Maintenance Usage course is intended for employees that have access to MRI Angus, and will be expected to perform duties relating to the Preventive Maintenance solution.
This course is broken into several learning modules. These modules can be accessed in any order, although the suggested path is as follows:
- Dispatching Work Orders & PM Subscriptions
- Completing Work Orders via MRI Angus
- Preventive Maintenance via MRI Angus Mobile
- On Demand Work Orders
- Impairments Usage
Note: we recommend you eliminate distractions while completing these modules. If possible, close all applications, including your email, put your phone on silent, and avoid multi-tasking.