Affordable and Public Housing - Move-Outs, EOP, and SODA eLearning 0 hr 45 min

Affordable and Public Housing - Move-Outs, EOP, and SODA eLearning
This self-paced course will introduce you to the move-out, EOP, and SODA processes in Affordable Housing.
In MRI Affordable and Public Housing in Property Management X, you can process move-outs when your households vacate their units. In this eLearning course, you will learn about:
- The unit make ready process
- The leasing options that affect the move-out processes
- Issuing notices and processing documents
- Automatically billed move-out fees
- Legal setup
- The end of participation (EOP) process in Public Housing
- Processing Statements of Deposit on Account (SODA), on which you can reconcile resident accounts, apply deposits or credits to open charges, and create refunds